Content Marketing is Aerobic

During my evolution as a fitness coach, I geeked out hard on energy systems.  In the world of CrossFit, the overwhelming trend was to go harder, faster, longer.  The issue was that people began to burn out, get injured, or fail to sustain obnoxiously intense regimes.  I quickly learned the value of a developing a solid aerobic base. It’s a key to longevity and one of the most time efficient methods to train the aerobic system is implementing aerobic interval training.  But how do you know if one is primarily training that energy system?

Emotional Eating and More Than 25 Ways to Combat It

“Emotional eating” is a term for eating as a way to deal with stress by consuming alcohol, drugs, or other addictive agents.  It may be an unhealthy way of dealing with depression, negative emotions, or something that is toxic in your life. But help is ready for healing.  Just as a habit takes 21 days to conquer, you can overcome your emotional eating.

Protect your Digital Homebase

If I had a dollar for every time I talked to a fitness professional who was spending money on paid advertising, blasting social media, or handing out business cards at networking event YET still neglecting their website, I’d have enough to buy that new Callaway driver (you know…the one with BOEING technology?).

Why I Joined a Mastermind Group

I believe that at some point in everybody’s life, we have that “thing” that forever changes the lens through which we see life.  For some, it’s a loss, an accident, bankruptcy, or “rock bottom.” If you don’t know what yours is, then it hasn’t happened yet. But, it will.  For my wife and I, that “thing” was the entire year of 2016. I won’t get into all the details because it’s not fully my story to share. Let’s just say it was a series of losses that forced my wife and me to say “F*ck it.  Life is too short and too fragile. We’re going on the offensive.”

Do you take your car in for regular service?

I am sure you do or else the car will not drive to optimal performance.

Do you do the same for your body?

Well your body does something called autophagy – “self-eating” – It is a regulated, orderly process to degrade and recycle cellular components.1

It is the same as replacing a timing belt, a new exhaust or a new battery for your car.

Cells become old and junky and by turning on autophagy you’re going to promote cellular repair.

How Personal Trainers Can Build Client Retention

The personal trainer industry has experienced excellent growth over the past five years, with weight loss services and customized workouts being the most solicited services. Research indicates that the upward trend is poised to continue. Consumer confidence is growing and median incomes are expected to rise, meaning that Americans will have more to spend on health and fitness. Currently, income levels are nearly at pre-recession levels, which is good news for the health and fitness industry and the economy as a whole.

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons – 6 Steps When You Lose a Client

Today, we’re going to talk about what happens when you lose a client.  It may be too hard to see at the moment, but there’s an opportunity here. Trust me.

I’ve lost a lot of clients. Especially running a gym, I’ve lost a fair share of clients but I’ve also gained a lot of them BACK.  Over the past 23 years of business, marketing, and sales experience, I’ve developed a six-step process how to make “lemonade out of lemons” when it comes to lost clients. So, let’s get into it…

Speed Workouts

Whether you are a turtle or a rabbit, speed training is an effective method of any injury-free- based runner. First of all, runners should avoid speed training until they have run for six months or more. It is important for any kind of speed work to start with dynamic warm-ups and slow running with a rate of perceived exertion of 5 and with speed training of 7–8 out of a scale of 1–10. Start with short sets of speed training time, and once you can hit the same pace for those reps, begin to add more. Speed training can be done individually or in groups. The advantage to using a group is accountability but the negative side is that sometimes people are pushed too much. If time does not allow you to work in a group, get a schedule that includes some of the following speed training forms such as hills, stair climbing, fartlek, and tempo.

Massages and More

Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of muscles of the human body. In the last year, 20 percent of people have discussed with their doctor the advantages of a massage. One-fifth of the world’s population has received a massage in the last year. Various types of massages date back more than 3,000 years to ancient China.

Relaxation on the Cheap

There are many ways to relax without spending a ton of money. Several things with just a minimal investment can be done at home. Also, for those who have access to online services like Groupon and Living Social, check out the location and you can get great deals.


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