Tips to Encourage Workouts at Home

It has been a while since many of us made our infamous New Year’s resolutions to be a healthier individual. Some of us or our clients might be struggling with reaching these goals for a multitude of reasons. While there are a zillion excuses to not workout, there are plenty of critical reasons why we all need to make exercising a priority. With summer fast approaching, let the warmer weather be a perfect motivation to get your clients healthier while obtaining the body they desire. If you are still struggling with motivating your clients (or yourself!), below are some quick tips to make workouts happen without needing to leave the convenience of home:

1. Create a Sacred Space – Exercising is personal–it’s about you! So, push aside those storage bins in your basement or create a corner in your home where only you can exercise. This space is designated only for creating a healthier body for you!

2. Make Some Noise – Music can be a powerful motivation tool! Therefore, pump up the volume and listen to your favorite artist while you break a sweat. Let their voice motivate you, especially towards the end of your workout when your energy levels may run low.

Pre and Post Workout Snacks

Looking to maximize your workout? Follow these steps to best nourish your body before working out and to launch recovery mode after a great workout.

Step 1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Although it seems like a simple task, it is absolutely essential! The body needs to be hydrated in order to process calories and have energy available for use. Without being hydrated, there is little your body can do to produce fuel.

Step 2: Pre-Workout Snack
The main goal of your pre-workout meal is to provide energy for your muscles to use. When it comes to fueling your body, timing, and consistency of your meal are the two most important things to focus on. So the best advice is to consume foods that are easy to digest and to allow the proper amount of time to digest.

Tips for Time Management

Most likely, at some point in your life, you’ve attempted to use a planning system in order to organize and prioritize your schedule. Although despite these efforts, you may still be wondering, “Where does all my time go?”

The reason these methods don’t work is simple. These day planner systems place a disproportionately high amount of importance on clock time as being the greatest determinant for effective time management. The main weakness of this approach is its lack of consideration for the influence that human interactions have. Ultimately, successful time management is not a matter of how much time you have, but rather how you choose to use your time. The solution? Less planning, and more doing.

Creating a Group Nutrition Program

The role of the fitness professional is changing. There is a new reality of doing business within the fitness industry. How many new fitness businesses opened in your area in the last year? The trends are indicating that more fitness professionals are specializing in a niche market yet broadening their service offerings for that target market.

The old 60-minute one to one fitness programs you were currently running are soon to be extinct in favor of group workouts that are shorter in duration but more intense that come with follow along nutrition programs.

How do you evolve your client programming to keep up with the changing fitness business?

Why not offer a group nutrition program? Yes, a group nutrition program. The number one reason your clients come to you is for weight loss so how are you helping them during the other 165 hours of their week when they aren’t working out with you?

Treating Fitness Clients Like Athletes –The Right Way Part 2

In Part 1 of this series I explained how our choices affect our athletic ability throughout life and how trainers need to be careful to not apply methods designed for athletes to fitness clients who do not have an athletic background.

This time we will go over the proper use of using programming often associated with athletes for the fitness client.

I touched on the “more is better” mentality of our culture in part 1, and how it often affects our fitness and performance development negatively.

If plyometrics are good, we might as well do more of them and alternate them with five more exercises to elicit even greater responses, right? Well, hold on there Mr. Give Me All You Got trainer. You need to step back and look at what is actually appropriate for the trainee and it turns out there are actual guidelines for optimal results for things like plyometrics as well as for reps.

Creating a Referral Based Business

You decided to become a wellness professional because of your passion to help people improve the quality of their own lives through improving their health. However, I bet what you didn’t count on was that you also needed to become a skilled marketer and sales person if you want to succeed and enjoy financial stability.

Growing your business involves the ongoing selling of yourself and the promotion of your services. That task feels very uncomfortable to most wellness practitioners, so much so that services and advice are often given away for free.

So how do you grow your business and acquire clients without having to continuously sell yourself?

It’s easy. Let other people sell your services for you!

The Trainer Fuel Experiment

“As fitness professionals, we sometimes go a little overboard when trying to prove a point, or, at least, I know I do. This article and 6-day wellness journal are based on a true story of a personal nutrition experiment I conducted (on myself) back in 2009.”

December 13th Sunday 2009

Today I’m going to start an experiment to help a few of my clients better understand some of the nutritional theories and methodologies that I have learned, used and applied over the years. Why am I doing this experiment? Well, I have a few clients who are on the fence regarding the importance of specified energy sources and daily healthy food choices for each individual person. And, some still have doubts that everyone is different and will react differently to all sorts of foods (the good, bad and indifferent). Now, I’m not saying it is an easy process to figure this out, but it is important and it is well worth it, trust me! There has been a lot of trial and error for my clients and me over the years (and let’s not count how many total years it has been, we can just say a lot).

Staggered Push-ups for Functional and Overall Strength

A staggered push-up is an anaerobic exercise that is a body weight movement performed in the prone position by bending your elbows at 90 degrees while your arms are used to help lower and raise your torso. The gravity and resistance that your body provides during this exercise creates functional and overall strength. Functional strength can best be defined as to effectively producing stabilization and movement to the body with daily activities.

The staggered push-up can be considered a “moveable plank” since the core is utilized for strength just as much as the upper body is during performance. Correct staggered push-ups should be performed with the upper body, torso, and lower body moving as one unit. Staggered push-ups are a tremendous exercise because of the multi-joint and multiple muscle groups they recruit during movement. Moreover and most importantly, staggered push-ups are a true test of strength, stability, endurance, and power.

Treating Fitness Clients Like Athletes –The Right Way Part 1

Ever watch a kid play in the park? If you have not ever taken the time do so, find a park and try not to look too creepy. You will notice that very few kids have flexibility, mobility or stability issues. They jump off of things and start sprinting at full speed at whim. You will find these kids all look pretty athletic. Sure, some may possess more natural ability to jump higher and run faster but, provided the kid is in good shape, most kids have the same athletic ability.

As we get older, our life choices either cultivate this athleticism or hinder it. Some of us stop running around and jumping strictly for fun and restrict it to when we play organized sports while others sit in front of a computer screen or a t.v. for entertainment and get stiff, immobile and lose kinesthetic sense as the years go by.

While we may all start out as athletes, most of us definitely do not stay like that. 

Not Everything Is Appropriate

The Importance of Stretching and Flexibility for You and Your Clients

Flexibility is one of the five essential components (Strength Training, Cardiovascular Training, Proper Nutrition, Flexibility & Rest) that we as fitness professionals preach to our clients, yet it’s frequently abandoned. Let’s all be open and honest here for a second. How often do you personally, or have you seen exercises, go through a routine and then decide to skip stretching for any number of reasons like:

You’re tired and want to go home
It doesn’t normally make you sweat
It doesn’t provide the immediate results that our society looks for
It doesn’t give you that workout pump
Or, honestly you don’t think that it makes that much of a difference


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