Have you ever stopped to notice how many things disconnect us on a daily basis from earth? As the rate of technology and lack of inner connection to our body, mind, and soul is rapidly increasing, we are seeing an incredible rate of illnesses, diseases, and injuries. Holistic training focuses on bringing your body, mind, and soul into alignment with yourself and nature in order to improve your: health, well-being, and give you the best looking natural corpse your body was designed to look like while feeling amazing. Here are three simple easy to do steps to get started.

Holistic training focuses on bringing your body, mind, and soul into alignment with yourself and nature in order to improve your: health, well-being, and give you the best looking natural corpse your body was designed to look like while feeling amazing. Here are three simple easy to do steps to get started. -Fitness Professional Online

First, remember a true life means true joy and happiness. When was the last time that you truly smiled from joy? I often tell my clients, “If you are not smiling, you are not living.” Holistic training begins with smiling. Smile! Think of something positive and let your inner light shine.

Secondly, it starts by learning to wake up your body and slowly re-connect it back to your mind and soul. This can be achieved by walking, running outdoors and adding a few: holistic cardio, sculpting, or dance clips available for free on http://www.jsport.co/Training-Videos or working with a holistic trainer.

Lastly, holistic training focuses on not just training the body, mind, and soul but to also practice positive behaviors such as gratitude, love, kindness, forgiveness and living a truly human life. Before you get upset next time, stop and change your behaviors and practice to “ Let go.”

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Julie Rammal

Julie Rammal

Holistic Personal Trainer at J Sport
She began her fitness career in Virginia when she was 16 and won Title: Miss Virginia swimsuit in 1997. She later started her holistic career in 2003 in California, USA.

She has trained numerous celebrities, and VIP worldwide and is known for her holistic approach to understanding and assisting the body and mind to reach its goals in just 3.

She graduated from George Washington University, San Diego State University, and from Natural Healing University in the USA, and received numerous awards and certifications from various organizations. She has studied with some of the most successful healers such as Dr. Jeffrey Thompson from the Center of Neuro acoustic research in California and Joseph Pilates direct students.

Julie has lived in over 40 countries worldwide, and honors our ancestral knowledge and practices, and particularly honors Native American approaches to healing. She believes,“Our medicine is in our earth, and our healing begins when we are in tune with the earth.”

She has assisted in the healing of cancer patients and has helped clients who suffered from stress, migraines, allergies, hearing loss, muscle pains, sinus problems, and digestive.

She follows the philosophy, “Live the way we are to live, do not doubt, trust, and all will come into your favor.”
Julie Rammal

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