A Guide for Coaches and Trainers for Special Needs Clients Who Demonstrate Tantruming and Sensory Overload

Trainers and coaches have found a new opportunity when they work with the developmentally disabled, mentally challenged, and behavior challenged.  These youth and adults need fitness even more so than the average child or adult. And we trainers can work with a population that will show and benefit greatly from our expertise.  But the challenge…

Maintaining Your Integrity As A Personal Trainer

Every personal trainer worth their salt knows that fad diets and exercise programs don’t work. According to a Business Insider report by Chris Weller, this is primarily because in most cases, the science behind these so-called revolutionary fitness hacks have been either blown way out of proportion or optimized to make a certain eating plan or workout appear more effective than they actually are. Unfortunately, these quick fixes are what sell and some personal trainers have started using them to build a solid client base more quickly. But is sacrificing your integrity for the sake of getting more clients really a good idea? Well, the short answer is no—and here’s why:

How Personal Trainers Can Build Client Retention

The personal trainer industry has experienced excellent growth over the past five years, with weight loss services and customized workouts being the most solicited services. Research indicates that the upward trend is poised to continue. Consumer confidence is growing and median incomes are expected to rise, meaning that Americans will have more to spend on health and fitness. Currently, income levels are nearly at pre-recession levels, which is good news for the health and fitness industry and the economy as a whole.

You’re Right, Personal Trainers Aren’t Sales People!

 “It’s not my job to sell people, it’s my job to train people”

With words like pushy, annoying, sleazy and yuck springing to most peoples minds when they think of a salesperson, it’s little wonder personal trainers hate being associated with this label.

And with the rise of more and more people becoming personal trainers in today’s already saturated market, getting reoccurring paying clients can be almost as difficult as getting a perfect squat.

So can you really be a successful personal trainer with lots of paying clients without being the ‘pushy’ salesperson?

Have a look at the top reasons why personal trainers aren’t salespeople and what can be done about it to create the perfect balance between the two titles.

How To Help Clients ReFocus and ReConnect With Themselves!

Ask any experienced Personal Trainer and they will tell you: How you start or finish a session plays a key role in the overall client experience.

With that said, here’s a simple mindfulness practice you can carry out with a client to finish a training session on a positive note.

Or if they arrive somewhat frenzied or distracted, it’s a great way to help them refocus and commit to the session ahead!

The Theory:

This practice can help them unwind, rebalance and let go of worries, concerns and negative feelings that accumulate throughout the day.

When we cultivate and amplify positive feelings, we benefit from their nourishing effects on our body and psyche.

Breaking Up With a Client

Being a personal trainer and working with clients is much like being in a relationship – you see each other multiple times during the week; you share intimate details of personal lives with each other; you go through some difficult times together (albeit it may be a challenging workout session). Over time these relationships grow and change. You learn more about each other, you share new stories and experiences, and you begin to see someone for what they really bring to the table. Sometimes all this is for the better, other times for the worst.

The Honeymoon period is over…

The beginning of any relationship is great – you get along well, sessions are going as planned, and you think this is the “perfect client” for you. Once that honeymoon period is over though and true personalities begin to shine, you may realize this person you once thought was the “only one for you”, is now your biggest nightmare.


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