Visual Sensory Difficulties

The visual sense helps us see and detect objects.  Many trainers have worked with clients who are blind. Modifications can be made to make their fitness session successful such as helping them visualize in their mind the exercise, using physical prompts to secure safety in their routines, and creating an…

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons – 6 Steps When You Lose a Client

Today, we’re going to talk about what happens when you lose a client.  It may be too hard to see at the moment, but there’s an opportunity here. Trust me.

I’ve lost a lot of clients. Especially running a gym, I’ve lost a fair share of clients but I’ve also gained a lot of them BACK.  Over the past 23 years of business, marketing, and sales experience, I’ve developed a six-step process how to make “lemonade out of lemons” when it comes to lost clients. So, let’s get into it…

Five Love Languages in the Gym

Sometimes we feel like we just are not connecting with our staff, clients, and athletes. A few years ago, I discovered the Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. They transformed the way I work with my fellow co-workers, athletes, friends, and family. With just a little time and effort, you can make those who you have not been able to reach more open to you. In this next paragraph, I will describe each of the five languages as well as ways to inspire and motivate those around you.

3 Tips to Cleaning Your Fitness Equipment Effectively

According to the EmLab P&K, 52% of bacteria found in the gym come from treadmills. Along with a pool of perspiration, germs can lead to a host of other nasty infections. Gym-goers must brace the risk of infections that include E.coli, ringworms, athlete’s foot, staph infection, and plantar warts. If not detected, these infections can lead to serious skin conditions.

7 Hilarious Gym Fails You Have to See

It is no secret that going to the gym can be intimidating. All of the different machines and exercise equipment can be confusing and overwhelming. Don’t worry! Most people are willing to help you out if you ask them! Besides, there is no way you could fail harder than the seven people featured in this article. Read on to find out what not to do at the gym.


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