Shaun Zetlin “Fitness Professional Online is the ultimate source for a multitude of information – from learning how to run your business more effectively, to endless knowledge on what are the proper exercises to execute for your client’s needs. As a certified Master Trainer and fitness expert, I am honored to be part of such an incredible organization that’s sole mission is to promote the best information readily accessible in the fitness trade. Therefore, if you’re a fitness professional, consider your one-stop online destination to educate yourself on everything you will need to excel in the world of fitness.”
Vito La Fata, Creator of Fitness Profit Systems “FPO is leading the charge on success education online. Education is changing and how you get your knowledge is evolving. FPO is a pleasure to write for because they represent cutting edge delivery of the news that’s fit to print online and right into your inbox. No need to wait for the tools, tips, and strategies that will take your business to the next level. Just sign up for FPO!”
Karsten Jensen “The famous physicist Albert Einstein said that “education is not the learning and remembering of facts. Education is about training the mind to think“. FPO provides a plethora of facts about fitness training for example from one of my most respected colleagues John Paul Catanzaro. I am honored to be present on this website and hope that all information provided will stimulate you to think new thoughts that will take your work with your clients to new heights.”
Jeff Drock, MS, CSCS “I was so impressed with the high level of professionalism that Doug Holt showed towards me during our interview. On November 6th I did an audio interview with Doug and was truly enjoyed his thought provoking questions and easy going style. We simply had an informative conversation which ended up becoming a pretty darn cool audio interview. Doug Holt is one of those guys who has real passion for the fitness industry. It is very easy to see that he is both extremely competent and loves what he is doing. I strongly recommend checking out Doug’s site:”