Radio Shows

Ron McKeefery – Strength and Conditioning Success

Fitness Professional Online Show 017: Ron McKeefery
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Welcome to the Fitness Professional Online Radio Show where you get access to fitness industry news, tips and insights from professionals around the world. Visit us at and now, your host, Doug Holt.

Radio Shows

Mike D’Angelo – BodyEvolver

Fitness Professional Online Show 016: Mike D’Angelo
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Announcer: Welcome to the Fitness Professional Online Radio Show where you get access to fitness industry news, tips and insights from professionals around the world. Visit us at Now, your host, Doug Holt.

Ask An Expert

Which social media networks should I use to promote my new business?

Which social media networks should I use to promote my new business?

Hi Fit Pro and Thank you for the great question! Years ago it was easy to answer your question with a few simple methods of making and distributing flyers on car windows (making people mad), and placing ads in the newspaper (expensive).

Nowadays there are many more options for Fitness Professionals in marketing a new business. The following are a few that you can incorporate in social media as soon as you finish reading this:

Ask An Expert

Is it recommended to “stretch out” clients once they are done working out? Is there a certain protocol when doing so?

Is it recommended to “stretch out” clients once they are done working out? Is there a certain protocol when doing so?

Stretching your client can be a great service that you provide in your sessions. Partner stretching creates dynamic resistance and intensity that static stretching alone sometimes cannot provide. Also, some of your clientele might not be stretching as frequently as you’d prefer, perhaps because they don’t feel confident stretching on their own, they don’t have (or make) the time to stretch, or maybe they just don’t want to stretch. While studies on various kinds of stretching have shown mixed results, stretching your client can have a multitude of positive effects on their workouts in regards to the prevention of the injuries, increased range of motion (flexibility), enhanced coordination, and improved blood flow. Below are some important tips to remember on the correct protocol of stretching out your clients.


Networking 101: How To Get Started

Networking–as fitness professionals, we all know what it is and why we need to use it, but so many of us don’t or don’t know how to do so. In our Fitness Professional Online June issue, we’ll be giving you many tips to start using early to increase your business, your standing in the fitness community, and build your brand!

Before we get into the heavy details, we’ll start with the basics of what networking is and why you should be doing it.

Networking is defined as: The exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business. That being said, how does networking work for you, the fitness professional, and how can it help you increase your business as well as your brand?


Exercise Based Podcasts

Scott Rawcliffe:

In these podcast’s Scott interviews different Fitness Professionals all regarding something different. You can learn about new and great exercises to upcoming Fit Pro conferences and learn from great Fitness Professionals themselves. With the wide range of guests, you can get a lot out of every podcast!


Corrective Exercise and Rehabilitation

Assessing and Correcting Foot and Ankle Problems

Foot and ankle pain is a prevalent problem that fitness professionals encounter frequently when working with clients. This article illustrates the anatomy of the major structures of the foot and ankle, explains the most common musculoskeletal imbalances of these areas, teaches trainers how to assess a client’s feet and ankles, and provides four corrective exercise techniques that can be used to eliminate pain and improve function.

The feet and ankles are key parts of the body that act as shock absorbers when a person interacts with a contact surface such as the ground. They also help the body adapt to varied surfaces via side-to-side movement. Understanding the anatomy of these important body parts can help you know how to assess them for imbalances.


7 Extraordinary simple, hard exercises on the floor

In the pursuit of world class strength, power, speed or endurance, we can afford to leave no potentially beneficial training method on the table. The best strength coaches and personal trainers embrace the whole spectrum of training methods from extremely simple, no equipment methods, like bodyweight exercises on the floor, to high tech measurement tools like myo test (

This article is about one of the simplest, yet most effective, new bodyweight exercises on the floor.

When I teach new personal trainers, I always say that regardless of their background and their personality, there is at
least some part of the personal training process, where their strength’s come in to play.


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